"Stain removal."


* Treat stain while fresh, if possible.
* Choose remover that is right for the
stain, the fabric, and the fabric finish.
* Test bleach or spot remover on material
in inconspicuous place to be sure color or
fabric will not be injured.
* When in doubt, send article to dry
cleaners with spot clearly marked.

Detergents are effective on nongreasy
stains and on some grease stains. A granu-
lar detergent should be rubbed into a
dampened spot. Liquid detergents in the
concentrated form, can be applied direct-
ly to the stained area and rinsed out.

Grease Solvents.

* Perchlornethylene, trichloroethane, and
trichloroethylene are nonflammable, but
vapors are toxic. Use outdoors or in well-
ventillated room.
* Place stain side down on absorbent pad.
Sponge lightly, brushing from center to
outside edge of stain in an irregular pat-

tern to avoid forming a ring. Apply several
small applications rather than a few large
amounts. Change application pads as soon
as soiled. Thoroughly rinse solvent-treated
fabrics then allow to dry before laundering.


* Chlorine bleach(dilute): Safe for all fab-
rics except silk, wool, spandex fibers, ace-
itate, and some fabrics with special finishes
for wrinkle resistance, crispness, or em-
bossed design.
* Sodium perborate bleach: Safe for all
fabrics except wool, silk or dynel when hot
water is neccessary.
Hydrogen peroxide (3%): Safe for all
types of fabrics.
* Test all dyed fabics for colorfastness.
Do not use bleach in metal containers.
Stretch stained area over bowl or on pad.
Apply a small amount of diluted (accord-
ing to manufacturer's directions) bleach.
Do not let dry. Rinse or sponge stained
area with clear water.

Stain Removal chart.


Washable fabrics.

Candle wax.Scrape off excess wax with dull knife. Place stain between
two white paper towels or layers of facial tissue. Press with
warm iron. Sponge with grease solvent. Rinse and launder.


Scrape off excess. Soak in cold water 30 minutes. Work
detergent into stain and launder.


Harden with ice, then scrape gum off with dull knife. Sponge
with grease solvent. Rinse and launder.

and cocoa.

Soak the stain in cold water. Work detergent into stain and
launder in water as hot as is safe for the fabric. If stain re-
mains, sponge with grease solvent. Bleach with hydrogen per-
oxide, if neccessary. Rinse and launder.

and tea.

Without cream: If safe for fabric, pour boiling water
through spot. Or, soak in a solution of warm water and bleach.
(with cream: Treat as above; sponge with grease solvent.)

Cream, Ice
cream, and

Sponge or soak in cold water. Work in detergent and launder.
If stain remains, sponge with grease solvent. Bleach, if nec-


Sponge immediately with cool water. Stretch material over
bowl; pour boiling water through spot, if safe for fabric.
Bleach with lemon juice solution or hydrogen peroxide, if
neccessary. Or if boiling water cannot be used, work glycer-
ine into stain. Let stand several hours then add a few drops
of white vinegar; rinse. Launder.

Grass and

Work detergent into moistened stain. Launder, using bleach.

and rouge.

Sponge with grease solvent. Work detergent into stain until
outline is removed. Launder.

Meat juice
or egg.

If dry, scrape off excess. Sponge with cold water. Work de-
tergent into stain. Launder, using bleach.


Treat while fresh. Work detergent into spot and launder. If
stain remains, sponge with hydrogen peroxide. Launder, using


Work and scrub glycerine into stain. Work detergent into
stain and launder. If stain remains, sponge with rubbing al-
cohol. (use 1 part alcohol to 2 parts water on acetate and
colored fabrics.



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