"Roll making tips."

Let's make some yummy rolls.

Basic roll dough.

1 package active dry yeast.
1/4 cup warm water.


1 cup milk, scalded.
1/4 cup shortening.
1 teaspoon salt.
3 1/2 cups sifted all-purpose flour.
1 egg.
1/4 c. sugar

Soften yeast in warm water (110). Combine milk, sugar, shortening,
and salt; cool to likewarm. Add 1 1/2 cups of flour; beat well. Beat
in yeast and egg. Gradually add remaining flour to form soft dough,
beating well. Place in greased bowl, turning once to grease surface.
Cover and let rise till double (1 1/2 to 2 hours).

Turn out on lightly floured surfave and shape as desired. Cover and
let shaped rolls rise till double (30 to 45 minutes). Bake on greased
baking sheet or in greased muffin pans in hot oven (400) for 15 to
45 minutes). Makes 2 dozen Cloverleafs, Butter Fans, or Bowknots,
or 3 dozen Parker House.

Refrigerator rolls.

Prepare Basic Roll Dough. Do not let rize. Place dough in greased
bowl, turning once to grease surface. Cover; chill at least 2 hours,
or up to 4 or 5 days.
About 2 hours before serving, shape the dough as desired on flour-
ed surface. Cover; let rise till double (1 1/4 hours). Follow baking
time above.


* Soften active yeast in warm water (110) by sprinkling over the surface
of water. Crumble compressed yeast into lukewarm water.(85) to soften.
* Most rolls require only thorough mixing, with little or no kneading.
* The lightest, most tender rolls are made from a dough which is softer
than plain bread dough. Roll dough should be as soft as can be handled
without sticking to hands or to the board.
* Let dough rise in a warm place (82). (Place on rack in cold oven with
pan of hot water on bottom of oven.)
* For crusty rolls, brush with milk or 1 beaten egg diluted with 1 table-
spoon milk and place 1 inch apart when baking.
* Tender crusts result from a swish of melted butter after baking.
* Rolls should be served at once or cooked on racks out of drafts.
* To reheat rolls, heat oven to 400. Place rolls in paper bag; sprinkle
bag with water and warm rolls in oven.
* To bake fresh rolls daily with little fuss, use Refrigerator rolls. The
dough will keep 3 to 4 days in the refrigerator.


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