"Pie crusts."

Now all you have to do is fill them.

Plain Pastry.

For one single-crust pie or 4 to 6 tart shells.

1 1/2 c. sifted all-purpose flour.
1/2 teas. salt.
1/4 c. shortening.
1/4 c. butter.
5 to 7 tblsp. cold water.

For one 8, 9, or 10 inch double-crust or latice
-top pie, two 8, 9, or 10 inch pie, or 6 to 8
tart shells:

2 c. sifted all-purpose flour.
1 tsp. salt.
1/3 c. shortening.
1/3 c. butter.

Sift flour and salt together; cut in shortening with pastry
blender till pieces are the size of small peas. (For extra
tender pastry, cut in half the shortening till like cornmeal.
Cut in remaining till like small peas.) Sprinkle 1 tablespoon
water over part of mixture. Gently toss with fork push to
side of bowl. Repeat till all is moistened. Form into a ball.
(For double-crust and lattice-top pies, divide dough for
lower and upper crust and form into balls.) Flatten on lightly
floured surface by pressing with edge of hand 3 times a-
cross in both directions. Roll from center to edge till 1/8
inch thick.

Tart shells.

* Prepare pastry; roll till dough is 1/8 inch thick. Cut in 5 or 6 -inch cir-
cles. Fit into tart pans; press out bubbles. Trim 1/2 inch beyond edge; turn
under; flute. Prick bottom and sides. (Or fit 5-inch circles over inverted
custard cups; pinch together 4 corners; prick.) Bake at 45 for 10 to 12
minutes, or till golden.

Oil pastry.

* Sift together flour and salt. Pour salad oil and cold water into measuring
cup (do not stir). add all at once to the flour mixture. Stir lightly with
fork. Form into balls; flatten dough slightly.
* Roll each between two 12-inch squares of waxed paper. (First dampen the
table slightly so paper won't slip.) When dough is rolled in circle to edges
of paper, it will be right thickness for crust.
* Peel off top sheet of waxed paper and fit dough, paper side up, into pie
plate. Remove paper. Finish pie shell following directions for single or
double-crust pies. Makes enough pastry for one 8 or 9-inch double-crust


* Combine 1 1/4 c. fine graham-cracker crumbs, 1/4 c. sugar, and 6 tbls.
butter or margarine, melted; mix. Press frimly into 9-inch pie plate. Bake
in a moderate oven (375) for 6 to 8 minutes or till edges are browned; Cool. For unbaked crust, chill 45 minutes; fill.


* Mix together 1 1/2 c. fine vanilla-wafer crumbs (36 wafers) and 6 tblsp
butter or margarine, melted. Press firmly into a 9-inch pie plate.
Chill till set.

water crust.

* Mix together 1 1/2 c. fine choclolate-wafer crumbs. and 6 tblsp. butter
or margarine, melted. Press firmly into 9-inch pie plate. Chill till set.


* Mix 1 1/2 c. fine gingersnap crumbs and 1/4 c. softened butter or mar-
garine, press firmly into buttered 8-inch pie plate. Chill till set.


* Mix 1 c. zwieback crumbs, 1/4 c. comfectioner's sugar, and 2 tblsp.
butter or margarine, melted. Press into buttered 8-inch pie plate. Chill
till set.


* Combine one 3 1/2-ounce can (1 1/3 c.) flaked coconut and 2 tblsp. butter
or margarine, melted. Press into 9-inch pie plate. Bake at 325 for 15 min-
utes or till coconut is light golden brown.


* Combine 1 c. crushed cornflakes or crisp rice cereal, or cornflake crumbs,
with 1/5 c. sugar and 1/2 c. sugar and 1/3 c. butter, melted. Press firmly
in 9-inch pie plate. Chill


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