"More fabulous Seafood recipes."

Baked stuffed whole fish.

3 or 4 lb. fish, dressed
1 1/2 tsp. salt
Bread stuffing
4 tbls. butter
3 slices of bacon

Clean, wash and dry fish. Sprinkle inside and out with salt.

Stuff fish loosely, and sew opening with needle and string, or close with skewers.

Place fish in greased baking pan. Brush with melted butter. Lay slices of bacon
over top. Bake in moderate oven 350 40 to 60 minutes or until fish flakes easily
when tested with a fork. If fish seems to dry while baking, baste occasionally with
drippings or melted butter.

Bread stuffing for fish.

3 tbls. chopped onion
3/4 c. chopped celery
6 tbls. butter
1 tsp. salt
1/8 teaspoon pepper
1 tsp. thyme, sage or savory seasoning
4 c. day-old breadcrumbs

Cook celery and onions in melted butter for about 10 minutes, or until tender.
Add cooked vegetables and seasonings to breadcrumbs; mix thoroughly.

If dressing seems very dry, add 2 tbls. water, milk or fish stock to moisten.

Recipe submitted by: Dottie Turner.

Deviled crab.

2 7 oz. cans crabmeat
1 small onion, minced
4 tbls butter
2 tbls. flour
1 tsp. dry mustard
1 c. milk
1/2 tsp. salt
1/3 tsp. pepper
2 sprigs parsley, chopped
1/2 tsp. nutmeg
1 egg, beaten
1 .c grated Italian cheese

Pick over crabmeat and remove any fibrous membranes. Set aside.

Saute onion in butter until tender but not brown. Remove pan from heat and stir
in flour and dry mustard until well blended.

Gradually add milk ans stir until smooth. Return pan to heat and cook sauce,
stirring constantly until thick, about 2 minutes. Add salt, pepper, parsley and

Stir a little of the sauce into beaten egg and then add mixture to hot sauce.
Stir constantly until sauce starts to boil.

Remove from heat before sauce boils and stir in grated cheese and crabmeat.
Turn into 6 or 8 ramekins or shells.

Brown in hot oven 400 about 10 minutes or until top is brown. Serves 6 to 8.

Recipe submitted by: Gram-ma:-)

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