"Cookie making tips."

Cookie jar favorites.


* Shiny cookie sheets, 2 inches shorter and narrower than oven, will
help cookies brown evenly.
* Baked cookies should be cooled on racks (this prevents sogginess.)
Use a cool sheet to bake remaining batches.
* Prevent excessive spreading of cookies by chilling dough; dropping
onto cooled cookie sheet; baking at correct temperature; and mound-
ing dough when dropped.
* Molded cookies can be flattened with the bottom of a glass which
has been dipped in sugar or flour; crisscrossed with the tines of a
fork; or pressed with thumb.
* For rolled cookies, roll a small amount of dough at a time, keeping
rest chilled. Use pastry cloth and stockinette for rolling pin. Roll
from center to edge as for pie crust. Use lightly floured cutter.
Start cutting at edge, working toward center.
* For best results with a cookie press, keep dough pliable to obtain
well defined patterns. Chill dough if it becomes soft.
* Store soft cookies in a tightly covered jar; tuck in an apple wedge
if they become dry. Keep crisp cookies in a jar with a loose-fitting
lid to retain freshness.


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